Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ode to Scale

Oh, my dear friend, Scale, how I miss you so!
Although our relationship has ups and downs, it sucks you had to go.
Scott and Brad said we had to stop meeting every day,
So my husband took the advice to heart and hid you far away.
I miss you almost as much as chocolate’s smooth, sweet taste.
But not enough, my friend, dear Scale, to find your hiding place.
You have given me good news before, but most often it was bad.
Wanting to put myself through that again must mean I’m going mad.
So for now, my friend, just stay away, so I can focus more on me.
And when my husband pulls you out, I will cheer for victory!

1 comment:

Nichole Gaertner said...

At least it was only hidden. Mine broke. lol!